Massagen, Ganzkörpermassage. Die Massagen passe ich ganz individuell der körperlichen Dysbalance an. Triggerpoint und Faszienmassage
Bei der energetischen Behandlung wird das Energiefeld gereinigt. Fremdenergien, Blockaden, Ängste, Schuldgefühle und Traumatas gelöst.
Die spirituelle Tradition, Heilmethode der Inkas, andinen Volk aus Peru. Reinigung des Energiefeldes. Die Kraft der Liebe und des Herzens.
Despacho ist ein Wunschritual der Inka Tradition. Heiler der andinen Völker in Peru. Das Ritual dient für Heilzwecke und Wunscherfüllung.
Diet advised is very healthy & also easy to follow. Their expert knowledge with their friendly nature earned my trust. Not only has my skin improved but I also managed to lose weight. Many thanks to team.
I have lost the weight I struggled with, I feel fitter and I'm getting the right fuel for my body every day. Your team personalized nutrition plan help me improve my daily diet plan and my habit.
I'm following a diet for sports from the past 4 months. I was lacking the stamina and was getting tired early. But now, I feel more energetic with my new sports nutrition plan & happy with the results.
It is my mission and passion to help you achieve a life of vibrant health and wellbeing!