Massagen, Ganzkörpermassage. Die Massagen passe ich ganz individuell der körperlichen Dysbalance an. Triggerpoint und Faszienmassage
Tour Personal Dietitian
I’ve helped people exactly like you – smart, ambitious, put together – figure out the one thing that eludes them: Their ideal weight. If you’re like lots of people I help, you don’t like how you look, avoid pictures like the plague, have a closet full of clothes you can’t wear, feel tired a lot, have tried working out, have tried cutting calories, have tried literally everything.
For me personally, a healthy way of living was a mysterious and unrealistic theory that I was never in a mood to explore. No, with your help and guidance I am to start a new life! It is always easier to go with fast food, but we forget that neglecting your diet costs us our long and happy life. You don’t have to be a chef to be able to eat properly. Everyone can afford organic green veggies, fresh fruits and protein today. All you have to do is make a little effort, really.
Massagen, Ganzkörpermassage. Die Massagen passe ich ganz individuell der körperlichen Dysbalance an. Triggerpoint und Faszienmassage
Bei der energetischen Behandlung wird das Energiefeld gereinigt. Fremdenergien, Blockaden, Ängste, Schuldgefühle und Traumatas gelöst.